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Ohio First Economy

It’s simple, I support economic policies that support Ohio workers and their families. An Ohio First Economy benefits all Ohioans - putting more money in the pockets of Ohioans and help them grow their businesses and provide for their families. Inflation has run rampant, hitting Ohio’s seniors and those on a fixed income especially hard. Supporting Ohio’s small businesses and keeping jobs here in our community is crucial to building the infrastructure for a healthy community.

We should all strive to make Ohio a better place to live, work, and raise a family. An Ohio First Economy policy proposal works to make that a reality.


Supporting Ohio’s Workforce

One of the key components of the Ohio First Economy is workforce development. We need to make sure that Ohioans have the skills they need to succeed in the 21st-century economy. This means supporting career schools and career tech programs. We also need to make sure that these programs are accessible to all Ohioans, regardless of their background or income. Let’s increase our investment in Ohio’s workers and support their growth. By investing in workforce development, we can create a more skilled workforce that can attract new businesses and create new jobs that support raising a family. I will work with businesses to develop training programs that meet their needs, growing our local economy with high-paying jobs.

Our state is in a position to be a global leader, let’s build Ohio’s workers up to lead the charge.


End Abortion

I am 100% pro-life because I believe that every human life is precious and should be protected. I believe that abortion is the taking of an innocent life, and I will fight to end it.

The Dobbs decision is a historic victory for the pro-life movement, but it is just the beginning. We must continue to work to make our society more pro-child and pro-family. This means providing support for pregnant women and young mothers, expanding adoption, and promoting pregnancy centers. We must also make sure that every child has the opportunity to grow up in a loving home.


Protect Second Amendment Rights

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms. This right is essential for self-defense, hunting, and recreation. However, Joe Biden and anti-democracy multinational companies are trying to find new ways to take guns away from law-abiding citizens.

One way they are doing this is by making it harder to buy firearms and ammunition. They are also imposing new, unconstitutional regulations on American citizens. For example, Biden has proposed a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. He has also proposed a federal gun licensing system.

These proposals are an attack on our 2A rights. They will not stop criminals from getting guns, but they will make it harder for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves.

I will fight the gun grabbers by supporting state rights to protect our 2A rights.


Funding Our Schools/Local Issue

The future of Ohio depends on the quality of education that we provide our children. Radical government mandates caused our schools to close during the COVID-19 pandemic - stunting the growth of our children. No student can be left behind, we must take action now to re-invest so that all students have the opportunity to succeed. Increased funding for schools, reducing class sizes, and providing more support for our teachers are essential steps to ensuring that all students have access to a quality education.

Our community is blessed to have a high standard of excellence in our schools, we must be vigilant and continue these crucial investments.