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Meet Ohio State Representative Candidate

Hello, my name is "Ohio State Rep" and I’m running for State Representative because I believe Ohio needs a TRUE CONSERVATIVE voice in Columbus. I am a fiscal conservative who believes in limited government, low taxes, and free markets. I’m a family man/woman who understands the value of putting in a hard day’s work to support what matters to me…my family.

I’ve served our community for "X" years as a small business owner and "Job Title" - where I learned from our neighbors the significance of living in such a great community. Sadly, this is fading away. The values we once rallied together on are being torn down, piece by piece. We need change, we need someone who will fight back against the radical democrats and their agenda. We need someone who knows the realities of our neighborhood and takes them to Columbus to give all of us a fair shake.

Career politicians like Joe Biden have crippled our economy, taking money out of every Ohioan's pockets. Enough is enough. We need someone who will put Ohio’s economy first by supporting policies that create jobs, cut taxes, and support small businesses. I am the only candidate in this race who is a true conservative. I will fight for less government regulation, values core to our community, and to protect our Second Amendment rights.

I promise to fight this fight. Will you join me?