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Fighting For The

People Of Ohio

"Ohio State Rep" is a conservative Republican with a tried and true record of making a difference in our community. He will take the fight Columbus to lower taxes, reduce regulations, and protect our Second Amendment rights. Join "Ohio State Rep's" team today.

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Meet Ohio State Representative Candidate: Conservative Champion

Our community needs a tried and true conservative representing us at the Ohio Statehouse. We need someone who will fight for the values that matter to Ohioans and who can’t be bought by special interest to push an agenda.

For too long, our values have gone unrepresented - "Ohio State Rep" is here to bring that forgotten voice to the table.

How? When elected, "Ohio State Rep" will fight for the rights of working families by supporting an Ohio First Economy to create jobs, cut taxes, and put money into Ohioan's pockets. Joe Biden’s economy has us all paying the price, "Ohio State Rep" will stand against frivolous government spending and advocate for fair funding for our schools and communities.

Interested in how you can help this mission? Join "Ohio State Rep's" digital team and follow online by clicking the button below.


Current Issues

"Ohio State Rep" is fighting back against radical democrats and their agenda. "Ohio State Rep" will work to create jobs and grow the economy. I will support policies that create a business-friendly environment, such as tax cuts and deregulation. "Ohio State Rep" will make Ohio a better place to live, work, and raise a family.

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